Sunday, March 4, 2007

Spring Break

I am uber excited about spring break..
This is pretty much the only break (besides Christmas and Thanksgiving) that TAMU gives us. No special Mondays or Fridays off.. nope, they want us in class those days. I plan to ride the horses, rope, do a little sun-bathing (is it as warm in Wise county as it is here?) and do some recreational reading. Luckily, I do not have any tests after spring break to study for. I just have to hudle 3 this week before I get to relax. they shouldn't be too bad.

hmm... what else is going on?
Well, my roomate is asleep. Her sleeping paterns are wayyyy off mine. She got home at 9 this morning, disturbing my nice Sunday of sleeping in I might add, and complained that she didn't get to sleep at all last night. Not my problem.

Speaking of my roomate, she is from Sealy, TX, down around Houston. I never knew her until i moved here and we have got along reasonibly well considering. She told me that at her house they do not have dinner at the table and that they are basically expected to fend for themselves for dinner. Wow. I would be in a whole new world if that were the case for me. My parents have always put a meal on the table, of some form. Looking back, i guess I could say that i took that for granted, and I am glad my parents took care of my brother and I like they did. I can't imagine the kind of person I would be without them. Thanks Mom & Dad..

anyways, I am fixing to start studying for a Math 166 test I have on Thursday.. No biggy, just business math.. Hope everyone has a great spring break in whatever form it comes!
Gig'em and God Bless